All of this! I recently watched a fascinating documentary called "Sacred Cow" by Diana Rogers and it touches all these key points too. It would be great if more ranchers were doing Regenerative Ag.

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Yes! I was the production assistant for both the film and book - such a great project and mission! I appreciate your support of this work and regenerative ag, Tania!

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Right on, Meg!

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I could not agree more! These meetings are a farce! All these politicians travel with a big entourage and if they were sincere would it not be an example to the planet to hold these meetings virtually? President Biden even travels with his car in Air Force 1!

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I💚this newsletter so much! Amazing as always

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Thanks for your support and kind words, Joe!

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Thank you for allowing comments. I appreciate these articles, podcasts and book recommendations.

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I hope you find them insightful and please feel free to share any articles, podcasts, or books here, too.

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GM is a clever guy with a passion for environmental issues and I have walked with him on the ER marches in London in the past. He hits on the kernal of truth but often doesn't see the bigger picture. I agree that to remove animal farming altogether is an unachievable aim and one which will cause more global harm than good. But to stop factory farming is achievable - hopefully. GM often talks about people chaning their behaviour which exaccerbates me - the delusion he lives under to think that people will just alter the course of their own evolution is maddening. People will always want to have more so telling them to make do with less whilst the 1% grabs more and more will only be met with scorn. I think GM is not quite in the real world although he purports to be at grassroots level. Fundamentally he's an ambitious journalist who has found a niche and is utilising it and anyway nobody can write for the Guardian unless they went to the same schools that he and his peers did - they are not necessarily out of touch but they aren't exactly in touch either.

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"A focus on net-zero targets for carbon removal from land – through reducing livestock use and planting trees, for example – misunderstands natural ecosystem function and will misfire.' Thank you for this bird's-eye view that is missing! My grassfed beef farmer is sequestering carbon on his farm at rates faster than he imagined starting only 5 years ago.

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Is there a way to separate the CAFO emissions from small farm emissions? And what about conventional vs organic or regenerative? That's what we need to make our point. And I'm only talking about the developed world here. Is that information available in any form?

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