A few of the "evidence based" folks that I follow in the nutrition sphere will push back on pointing out that carbs are available in disproportionate quantities. Focusing more on the idea of energy balance and self control. And while that may be true, it seems like an impractical approach for most because the idea of portion control and sensible eating seems to go out the window when you combine a busy working person with our modern industrialized food landscape. Between the mixed messaging, convenience factors, and scientifically manipulated foods that toy with our satiety signals, it all seems a bit unrealistic to think that most normal, working people will be able to self regulate. Which is a very sad observation on its own. I believe the issue with industrial food is something more spiritual in nature. Love the work of Paul Kingsnorth in exploring this topic of "the machine".

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It is so hard to talk to anyone about nutrition. Yes, MD's may have received 25 hours of "nutrition." It's garbage information, built on decades of false narratives. So, in talking to people about nutrition, especially if they are educated or credentialed., they already "know" how bad meat is for themselves and the planet.

I have a degree in nutrition from OSU. It is nearly impossible to get through to people that haven't found the truth on their own, even in some small form. So, I plant seeds and hope for the best.

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Problem is, cheap grain ‘foods’ have supercharged population growth. They may make us sick but they have supported us to procreate. We are now dependant on these same nutrient deficient foods to support 8 billion (and the other 3 billion on their way….). We cannot, as things stand do without them. Quite a dilemma.

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