What is your source for nature based solutions being able to "deliver between 30%-37% of the emissions mitigation needed to stabilize the climate by 2030"?

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Hi Bryan,

the links in that sentence are the pathway. For your reference,

-https://www.nature.org/en-us/what-we-do/our-insights/perspectives/natures-make-or-break-potential-for-climate-change/: "Nature-based Solutions to climate change can deliver 37% of mitigation needed to stabilize climate by 2030 but have received 3% of mitigation funding to date. ( TNC and CPI)."

-"According to Nature and Net Zero, a report published by the World Economic Forum and McKinsey, natural climate solutions for carbon can provide around 30% of the emissions reduction required to achieve the 1.5 degree target. Yet the sector only receives 8% of public climate finance, according to the Climate Policy Initiative’s climate finance analysis."

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Ah I see. It’s also the reference for the 3%. Thanks.

By the way, this is a fantastic post. Crystalized so many things for me. I’m exploring syndication for Nbs. Was thinking more towards stakeholders focused on carbon farming but this post sparked a thought to look at both land and startups focused on Nbs. Seems like a lot of potential as more ecosystem services beyond carbon credits emerge. I used to think the only solution was to go off grid and grow my own food but now feeling hopeful about deeper alignment of the market with Nbs

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